• Indigenous Anarchist Federation

    With all of the horrors of the past year, the devastation wreaked by environmental disasters like hurricanes and wildfires have faded from the broader cultural consciousness. We ignore these threats at our own peril. As the climate crisis grows more dire, severe flooding, calamitous storms, and vast fires will become an inescapable fact of life, like mosquitoes coming out in summertime.

  • EPA

    Bioremediation is the use of microbes to clean up contaminated soil and groundwater. Microbes are very small organisms, such as bacteria, that live naturally in the environment.

  • EPA

    Phytoremediation uses plants to clean up contaminated environments. Plants can help clean up many types of contaminants including metals, pesticides, explosives, and oil.

  • The National Association for Amateur Radio

    This manual is intended to serve as a quick trainer and reference for amateurs deployed in the field for emergency services work, primarily through the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). It provides basic program information, forms and operating aids. A number of templates can be customized for the local area to include reference information such as important phone numbers, emergency frequencies, maps, organizational details and so forth.

  • SKAT Foundation, et. al.

    This manual is specifically focussing on the practical implementation level and provides a wide range of essential information as well as dos and don’ts for trainers to communicate to masons and supervisors during theoretical and on the job trainings. It also contains photos and sketches/drawings that add clarity to the context. These photos and sketches have been collected from various reference sources and are therefore, not of uniform character in its present form.

  • Indigenous Anarchist Federation

    When many people think of living outdoors, they think of Camping. Camping, backpacking, and hiking are recreational activities that are an enjoyable way to experience nature during those rare moments of free time. These activities can incorporate elements of bushcraft/fieldcraft, but these activities have very different expectations for required gear, periods of time expected to be afield without resupply, and security considerations.

  • Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

    This guide will walk you thru everything you need to know to set up and run an off grid, decentralized text communication network.

  • Footprint Project

    The first step in building a solar generator is determining how much energy it will need to provide. This worksheet will take you step by step in calculating the energy load of the equipment you plan to power.

  • Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

    This zine is intended as a comprehensive and handy guide for chainsaw usage, safety and storage and was taken from a virtual skill share for mutual aid workers engaging in tree debris cleanup following Hurricane Idalia.

  • omick.net

    Composting toilets are simple, low-tech, waterless toilets. They are designed to provide favorable habitat for biological agents of decomposition such as bacteria, mold and fungi which break down feces and urine into compost.

  • Indigenous Anarchist Federation

    Face the facts. We are tied to our devices in ways that are incredibly useful for organizing, but that also expose us to isolation should the state and companies take away these technologies. Cell phones and the internet rely on corporate infrastructure and is subject to both government surveillance and service denial.

  • School of Public Health University of Washington

    Las partículas en el humo de los incendios forestales no son saludables para respirar.
    Un filtro de ventilador de caja simple ayudará a mantener limpio el aire interior.

  • Ministry of Housing, Construction, and Public Utilities Sethsiripaya

    Note: this document has been scanned from earlier manuals and standardizations prepared by Neil Herath for CWSSP – Sri Lanka ( April 1995), and as Manual 3 of the Technical Manual Series on Rural Water Supply and Sanitation; Gravity Water Supply Systems: design and construction (January 2005). It is redesigned to look like the 2005 CWSSP manual guiding field work on wire-reinforced cement mortar tanks, commonly known as ferrocement tanks

  • Indigenous Anarchist Federation

    Cutting tools are some of the oldest, most important implements used by people to cut, shave, shape, carve, and butcher the things that make life enjoyable to live. Today these tools are still vital tools to own and utilize, both in day to day life, and in field craft.

  • Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

    Rain gardens mitigate flooding impacts and reestablish native ecologies, all while requiring relatively little work from humans. The installation process is the most human-intensive, but the garden should be mostly autonomous unless drought or freeze should strike. Rain gardens function to clean groundwater, divert chemicals from collecting in streams and water systems, diminish the effects of erosion, and improve the health of the entire ecosystem.

  • Indigenous Action

    We offer this ‘zine in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Spring of 2020. Our unsheltered relatives cannot simply “stay home if they are sick” and “constantly wash their hands” as instructed by callous politicians who, predictably, had no plans to ensure the wellbeing of our relatives.

  • Indigenous Action

    This is a quick set-up shelter that is weather proof and extremely lightweight (about 1lb 5 ounces without pole & stakes). While there are several designs for Tyvek shelters, we found most of them unclear and too complicated for our needs. We’ve designed this for one person and their gear but this can accommodate two tall people comfortably.

  • Chelsea Green Publishing

    Edible Forest Gardens is a groundbreaking two-volume work that spells out and explores the key concepts of forest ecology and applies them to the needs of natural gardeners in temperate climates. Volume I lays out the vision of the forest garden and explains the basic ecological principles that make it work. In Volume II, Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier move on to practical considerations: concrete ways to design, establish, and maintain your own forest garden. Along the way they present case studies and examples, as well as tables, illustrations, and a uniquely valuable “plant matrix” that lists hundreds of the best edible and useful species.

  • MIT-dLab

    Providing organizations based in off-grid regions with the information and resources to design and implement programs that increase energy access in their communities.

  • Footprint Project

    One of the first things people wonder about when it comes to solar generators and their own communities is what electrical appliances and products the generator will be able to power.

  • Water, Engineering and Development Centre

    It is generally accepted that excreta disposal is given less priority in emergencies than other humanitarian interventions such as health care, food and water supply. This is despite the fact that many of the most common diseases occurring in emergency situations are caused by inadequate sanitation facilities and poor hygiene practice.

  • WEDC

    Ferrocement is a form of thin concrete reinforced with layers of continuous and relatively small diameter mesh. It is usually made from a mortar of Portland cement and sand applied to steel reinforcement which is often provided in the form of small aperture wire mesh and/or closely spaced small diameter bars or wires.

  • Chelsea Green Publishing Company

    The movement toward sustainable landscaping is heating up. Gardeners are increasingly burying their resource-guzzling, zero-habitat lawns under native plant gardens, wildlife-attracting thickets, and sun-dappled woodlands. It’s an encouraging trend, this movement toward more ecologically sound, nature friendly yards.

  • Common Ground Relief Meg Perry Healthy Soil Project

    Hurricane Katrina brought many challenges to the residents of New Orleans. Part of the rebuilding process is not only repairing our structural homes, but our land as well so that we come home to a safe, healthy place to live and thrive. Toxic soil clean up is important to the rebuilding process.

  • Environment and Disaster Management

    The GRRT is a toolkit and training program designed to increase awareness and knowledge of environmentally responsible disaster response approaches. Although disasters wreak havoc, the rebuilding efforts that follow represent a significant and important opportunity to restore communities in a more environmentally and socially responsible way.

  • School of Public Health University of Washington

    Particulate matter in smoke from wildfires is unhealthy to breathe. A simple box fan filter will help keep your indoor air clean.

  • DK Publishing

    Growing plants is easy when you know how. Most plants will flourish with just a little help, and you don’t need any special skills to sow seeds to create beds brimming with flowers and vegetables, or to pot up containers to paint your patio with color. Follow the step-by-step guides to grow almost anything your heart desires, from spring bulbs and easy-care shrubs in a border, to a tiny orchard or bed filled with tasty root crops.


    Ferro-cement is essentially an extension of conventional reinforced cement concrete (RCC) technology. As such, all the benefits attributed to use of RCC in construction normally apply to ferro-cement as well. There are, however, other advantages that make ferro-cement a preferred choice in many construction projects.

  • Homer Energy, et.al.

    The HOMER Powering Health Tool is a free online model to create initial designs of electric power systems for health care facilities that have no other power supply or have grid electricity available for a predictable period of hours each day. The tool is intended for project managers, engineers and financiers in the energy industry to simplify the design process for such systems.

  • Emergency Water 101

    Safe drinking water is something that we take for granted in daily life, but when our infrastructure fails in a crisis situation, such as a hurricane, earthquake, massive blackout, or act of terrorism, water can quickly become dangerously contaminated. By providing trusted, scientifically sound information about safe drinking water, we can give people the means to protect their families and to help others. At EmergencyWater101.com, we provide information for beginners, industry professionals, first-responders, emergency response leaders and the media.

  • Municipal Electric Utilities of Wisconsin

    Many people use portable generators when temporary or remote power is needed.
    They can be extremely useful during cleanup and recovery efforts following disasters like tornadoes. However, there are inherent hazards involved with the use of generators. The information below identifies those hazards and provides helpful ways to ensure workers and others using such equipment remain safe.