Apoyo Mutuo: Building Power in Paradise
Over two years after Hurricane Maria, the Centros de Apoyo Mutuo are still vibrant, people-powered, living examples of mutual aid and community-based resistance and resilience. In the community of Bucarabones in Las Marias, immediately after [...]
The Disaster of White Supremacy
This summer saw death tolls rise amidst proliferating white supremacist acts of terror across the country. The state, another agent of white-supremacist terror, has persisted its administration-directed campaign of snatching children from their parents, and [...]
Dorian, Imelda, and More
Hello friends! Just wanted to update you about some of our recent activities. On September 1, Hurricane Dorian, a category 5 storm, decimated entire communities in the Northern Bahamas islands of Grand Bahama and Abaco. [...]
Dorian Response Autonomous Supply Line
Hurricane Dorian has decimated the Bahamas and is wreaking destruction and spawning tornadoes up the east coast. Millions of people have been ordered to evacuate from the eastern seaboard, and there are already storm impacts [...]
Inspiration & Support for Disaster Preparation
As we enter hurricane season in the Atlantic and fire season in the West, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief is compiling tips for preparing communities to take care of each other in the spirit of mutual [...]
A Parallel Movement Rising: On Mutual Aid and the Borderlands
In the blur of heat rising from the searing sands of the Sonoran Desert, there is a cascade of drinking water splashed into the dry earth, unclaimed by bodies bent with thirst and the merciless [...]
Concrete Can’t Keep us from Growing: On Spring and Dandelions
Midwest Floods As part of our 2018 Fall tour, we rolled through Lincoln, Nebraska. Friends there have continued to discuss and organize, and when the bomb cyclone caused flooding throughout Nebraska and the greater Midwest, [...]
Building Arks
At the end of last year, we wrapped up our second workshop tour. Over three months, we worked our way from Albuquerque to San Diego, then north toward Seattle, and across the midwest into Wisconsin, [...]
December 29th, 2018 At the end of a long year, our second workshop tour is complete! Over the course of three months, we worked our way from Albuquerque to San Diego, then north toward Seattle, [...]
What Is Left After The Ruins?: Tent City Cleared After Nonprofit Took Charge Of “Aid” Efforts
On December 11, 2018, in Panama City, Florida, a large tent city located in the parking lot of a church was transformed into a demolition site. Hundreds of people were left with nowhere to go, [...]
We Are Rooted Here: North Valley Mutual Aid
The following is a report back from the North Valley Mutual Aid group, which is organizing an autonomous response to the Camp Fire from Chico, CA: WHO WE ARE We're North Valley Mutual Aid (NVMA). [...]
Bonds Not Ballots
As another election year spectacle has come and gone, and as we inch closer to irreversible, cataclysmic shifts in our climate, we are reminded that our hope is in each other, in relationships of mutual [...]
Stronger than the Storms: Dis(ability), Power, and Friendship After Hurricane Florence
“I was scared, I already knew I had Jackie, a 24/7 job. My sister would have never survived in a home. They wouldn’t have given her the care. Plus she was my sister. I was [...]
Lumberton, NC: Vision and Action
It’s hard to believe that over a month has already passed since Hurricane Florence dropped a seemingly endless supply of rain onto eastern North Carolina. We reflect back on the Indigenous led relief efforts out [...]
Panama City Landlords are Finishing What Hurricane Michael Started
A call to action. Hundreds of residents in low income housing projects in Panama City have received eviction notices in the days following the category 4 catastrophe of Hurricane Michael, which shredded the region into [...]