A Thank You from Manuel: dispatches from Puerto Rico
Our current Mutual Aid Disaster Relief team in Puerto Rico has concentrated efforts mostly on HIV/AIDS prevention, safe water outreach/education, breastfeeding in disasters and also is addressing other health needs with our team of nurses, [...]
Solidarity and Friendship
Hi Friends, another message from Tyler here... I am returning to the states tomorrow (!)... and I am happy that my last week in México has been so full and so meaningful. I want to [...]
Jayuya: Remembering the Past, Demanding a Future
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief is a movement decentralized throughout civil society linking and contextualizing the intersectional struggles of climate/social/environmental and economic justice, rooted and steeped in a power-from-below solidarity not charity ethos. Throughout 2016/2017, Mutual [...]
Courage, Hope, and the Revolution of Everyday Life
In a battle between the forces of repression and the forces of resilience, a swat team raided the Mutual Aid Disaster Relief base of operations in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico in the early hours before dawn [...]
The Future of Resistance and Resilience
The 23rd of October 2017 is a big day for movements of resistance and resilience! Today the indigenous-led coalition Mazaska Talks kicks off their "Divest the Globe" campaign, with world-wide mass actions against the banks that fund pipeline developments and tar [...]
Repression vs. Resilience
Several police vehicles, an armored tactical vehicle, and law enforcement personnel including swat team pointed their guns at relief workers while surrounding and then entering our base of operations in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico in the [...]
No Longer Forgotten
As the days grind up in number, creating time and distance from the thrashing winds and surging inundation of the deluge of water hurricane Maria pulled over Puerto Rico, statistics remain alien from the view [...]
Growing the Movement for Mutual Aid – Invite Trainers and Prepare Your Community for Grassroots Direct Action Disaster Response
Climate Chaos is happening. Adaptation and preparation are essential. Grassroots disaster response will be more and more necessary as we see more catastrophes – infrastructure, economic, and ecological collapses – and as corporations and governments seek [...]
Building A Future Based On Mutual Aid
We drove through neighborhoods in the mountains with local residents and our comrades from Guaynabo, delivered food, cases of water, water purification tablets, and provided health care to elderly residents and their families sweltering in [...]
Building Power While The Lights Are Out
A land abandoned is one in which no one has come to respond. That's not the case in Puerto Rico. Thousands of fema/military/ fbi/police and others have flooded the island and where, at first, we [...]
Resistance is Disaster Relief
On this day, we must remember that for some communities, disasters have been unfolding for centuries, depriving people of life and liberty every single day. Indigenous peoples in the Americas have been attacked and oppressed [...]
Resistance against Colonialism and Neoliberalism; Solidarity with Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief is organizing response teams to continually travel to Puerto Rico and surrounding areas to assist with rebuilding sustainable, modular water and energy systems to provide immediate, life-saving relief and long-term, permanent [...]
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief in Mexico
Here are the latest sights, from Jojutla, Morelos. More words follow. I joined a group of therapists on a scouting mission We learned a lot, primarily that the army is in charge but no one [...]
Where Non-Profits Fear to Go: Report From Florida
The following is a report back for a relief trip to the Florida Keys made possible by the work of numerous folks involved with Mutual Aid Disaster Relief (MADR). The immense amount of support and [...]
¡Organizers Assemble! Call for Mutual Aid in México
Amigxs Méxicanxs y todxs que tienen conexiónes en México - ¡necesito ustedes apoyo! Trabajo con un grupo voluntario que respuesta a desastre en Jojutlan, Morelos, una ciudad devestado por el terremoto. Este grupo quiere a [...]