

Jayuya: Remembering the Past, Demanding a Future

October 30th, 2017|

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief is a movement decentralized throughout civil society linking and contextualizing the intersectional struggles of climate/social/environmental and economic justice, rooted and steeped in a power-from-below solidarity not charity ethos. Throughout 2016/2017, Mutual [...]

Growing the Movement for Mutual Aid – Invite Trainers and Prepare Your Community for Grassroots Direct Action Disaster Response

October 15th, 2017|

Climate Chaos is happening.  Adaptation and preparation are essential.  Grassroots disaster response will be more and more necessary as we see more catastrophes – infrastructure, economic, and ecological collapses – and as corporations and governments seek [...]

Resistance against Colonialism and Neoliberalism; Solidarity with Puerto Rico and the Caribbean

October 4th, 2017|

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief is organizing response teams to continually travel to Puerto Rico and surrounding areas to assist with rebuilding sustainable, modular water and energy systems to provide immediate, life-saving relief and long-term, permanent [...]

¡Organizers Assemble! Call for Mutual Aid in México

September 27th, 2017|

Amigxs Méxicanxs y todxs que tienen conexiónes en México - ¡necesito ustedes apoyo! Trabajo con un grupo voluntario que respuesta a desastre en Jojutlan, Morelos, una ciudad devestado por el terremoto. Este grupo quiere a [...]

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