• On the afternoon of March 11, 2011, massive, overwhelming, incomprehensible disaster struck the northeast coast of Japan. Life for those in the region would never be the same. This book is about the awakening that follows disaster. About the minutes and hours and months and years that come after now. It is about what happens when we’re smacked on the side of the head and open our eyes, startled out of the trance in which we have been living our days. It is about the opportunities always present, often invisible, to create the lives we want, now.

  • Aftershocks of Disaster
    An in-depth look at Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria and the preexisting crisis that conditioned this historic disaster.
  • AK Press

    Charity is not a gift. Gift-giving implies reciprocity, an ongoing relationship. When requital is impossible, the act of giving remains outside mutual ties and charity becomes yet another manifestation of class structure, a sterile one-way act upholding the status quo.

  • Active Distribution

    This book takes examples from around the world, picking through history and anthropology, showing that people have, in different ways and at different times, demonstrated mutual aid, self-organization, autonomy, horizontal decision making, and so forth--the principles that anarchy is founded on--regardless of whether they called themselves anarchists or not. Too well documented to be strictly mythology, and too expansive to be strictly anthropology, this is an inspiring answer to the people who say that anarchists are utopian: a point-by-point introduction to how anarchy can and has actually worked.

  • Google Books

    In 1793 Philadelphia was severely plagued by a severe yellow fever epidemic – more than 100 people were dying per day. Mainly whites since African-Americans seemed largely unaffected by fever. For this reason Mayor Matthew Clarkson asked Absalom Jones and Richard Allen to organize the African-American community to assist in caring for those stricken; and burying those who died. However, after the epidemic abated, some accused the African-American community of overcharging and stealing from people for whom they were caring and robbing the dead. Richard Allen and his partner, Absalom Jones wrote "A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Black People, During the Late Awful Calamity in Philadelphia, in the Year 1793: And a Refutation of Some Censures, Thrown Upon Them in Some Late Publications," to address the charges levied against their community.

  • AK Press

    A Series of Un/Natural/Disasters explores the many forms of mutual aid and possibility that appear in moments of state failure. It maps long and complicated equations, taking us from Katrina to the prisoners at Riker's Island as they await Hurricane Sandy. It understands and explains disaster as a collective system, the state as precarious, and community as both fundamental and necessary.

  • PM Press

    When both levees and governments failed in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, the anarchist-inspired Common Ground Collective was created to fill the void. With the motto of “Solidarity Not Charity,” they worked to create power from below—building autonomous projects, programs, and spaces of self-sufficiency like health clinics and neighborhood assemblies, while also supporting communities defending themselves from white militias and police brutality, illegal home demolitions, and evictions.

  • Body and Soul
    The legacy of the Black Panther Party’s commitment to community health care, a central aspect of its fight for social justice
  • Rebel Hearts Publishing

    As hurricanes, fires, pandemics, and other disasters increase in intensity and frequency, the insights, visions, and experiences the authors in this book share offer a valuable road map to meet the climate crisis head on, struggle for a just recovery when disasters do hit, reimagine our relationships to each other and the planet, and as the Zapatistas taught civil society, “Don’t seize power, exercise it.”

  • Kobo

    In January 2020, China alerted major international scientific bodies about the eruption of a dangerous new virus and heavily promoted basic precautions. U.S. politicians and corporate media ridiculed and ignored the warnings.Washington ramped up its policy of racist propaganda, military encirclement, trade war and sanctions.

  • Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster Reconstruction
    Capitalizing on Catastrophe critically explores the phenomenon of 'disaster capitalism,' in which relief efforts for natural disasters and other large-scale disruptions are contracted out ...
  • National Search and Rescue Committee

    Mass rescue operations are complex, confusing and extremely challenging for multiagency responders. Catastrophic Incident Search and Rescue was developed by the National Search and Rescue Committee (NSARC) to provide clear, definitive, standardized direction and information on search and rescue (SAR) during disasters. It covers federal response organization, incident management, critical considerations, specific field considerations organized by disaster type, and the impact of man-made disasters.

  • PM Press

    Catastrophism explores the politics of apocalypse—on the left and right, in the environmental movement—and examines why the lens of catastrophe can distort our understanding of the dynamics at the heart of these numerous disasters—and fatally impede our ability to transform the world.

  • 'Climate Adaptation: Accounts of Resilience, Self-Sufficiency and Systems Change' | ...
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQto8hjUEr0 9781912092123 Released 25th October 2021 Where is the world really heading, and what can we do about it? This book, edited by the Arkbound Foundation, ...
  • Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal by Noam Chomsky, Robert Pollin: 9781788739856 | ...
    Climate change: watershed or endgame? In this compelling new book, Noam Chomsky, the world’s leading public intellectual, and Robert Pollin, a renowned progressive economist, map out the ...
  • PSU Press

    In Collective Courage, Jessica Gordon Nembhard chronicles African American cooperatives. Many of the players are well known in the history of the African American experience: Du Bois, A. Philip Randolph and the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Nannie Helen Burroughs, Fannie Lou Hamer, Ella Jo Baker, George Schuyler and the Young Negroes’ Co-operative League, the Nation of Islam, and the Black Panther Party. Adding the cooperative movement to Black history results in a retelling of the African American experience, with an increased understanding of African American collective economic agency and grassroots economic organizing.

  • Punctum Books

    As capitalist societies in the twenty-first century move from crisis to crisis, oppositional movements in the global North have been somewhat stymied (despite ephemeral manifestations like Occupy), confronted with the pressing need to develop organizational infrastructures that might prepare the ground for a real, and durable, alternative. More and more, the need to develop shared infrastructural resources — what Shantz terms “infrastructures of resistance” — becomes apparent. Ecological disaster (through crises of capital), economic crisis, political austerity, and mass produced fear and phobia all require organizational preparation — the common building of real world alternatives.

  • Amazon

    Examines what social science research has discovered so far about individual and social response to collective stress, ranging from natural disasters like floods and earthquakes to man-made ones like atomic bombing or the assassination of a President, and including long-standing stresses like depressions or chronic poverty.

  • Kailea Loften

    Co-written and curated by Kailea Frederick and Kate Weiner with vibrant cover art by Vyana Novus, Compassion in Crisis braids together interviews with survivors of climate disaster and resources on disaster preparedness to provide our community with an accessible guide to resilience and regeneration in the Anthropocene.

    Compassion in Crisis is a study in self-sovereignty. In the midst of disaster, many communities of care have emerged independent of government intervention to take care of their own, rebuild homes, and nourish their extended network of kin. As we work together to navigate disaster and confront change, we hope that this offering will hold space for your grief, inspire you to cultivate resilience, and connect you to adaptation strategies.

  • Constellations of Care
    'Offers the conversations we need to sustain the possibility of anarchist, feminist, and queer world-making in the ruins of everyday brutality' - Mattilda...
  • Coronavirus, Class and Mutual Aid in the United Kingdom
    This book considers how the UK government’s response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic disadvantages the working class, and how mutual aid, based on anarchist principles, can be used as a force for ...
  • PM Press

    Crisis and Care reveals what is possible when activists mobilize for the radical changes our society needs. In a time of great uncertainty, fear, and isolation, queer activists organized for health equity, prison abolition, racial justice, and more. Nobody who lived through the COVID-19 pandemic will soon forget the challenges, sacrifices, and incredible loss felt during such an uncertain time in history. Crisis and Care addresses not what happened during COVID-19, or why it happened, but rather how queer activists responded in real time.

  • Critical Disaster Studies – Penn Press
    This book announces the new, interdisciplinary field of critical disaster studies. Unlike most existing approaches to disaster, critical disaster studies beg...
  • Deciding For Ourselves
    This anthology explores this “sense of freedom in the air,” as one piece puts it, by looking at contemporary examples of autonomous, directly democratic spaces and the real-world dilemmas they ...
  • Democratic Renewal and the Mutual Aid Legacy of US Mexicans
    The legacy of the historic mutual aid organizing by US Mexicans, with its emphasis on self-help and community solidarity, continues to inform Mexican American activism and subtly influence a number ...
  • Disaster Anarchy
    Anarchists have been central in helping communities ravaged by disasters, stepping in when governments wash their hands of the victims. Looking at Hurricane ...
  • Disaster and Resistance
    "For years now Seth Tobocman has been taking on the powers that be for all of us. He's not slowing down either—check out the contents of this volume." —Harvey Pekar, comics guru, ...
  • Oxford University Press

    An earthquake shatters Haiti and a hurricane slices through Texas. We hear that nature runs rampant, seeking to destroy us through these 'natural disasters'. Science recounts a different story, however: disasters are not the consequence of natural causes; they are the consequence of human choices and decisions. we put ourselves in harm's way; we fail to take measures which we know would prevent disasters, no matter what the environment does.

  • Verso Books

    Disaster has become big business. Best-selling journalist Antony Loewenstein trav­els across Afghanistan, Pakistan, Haiti, Papua New Guinea, the United States, Britain, Greece, and Australia to witness the reality of disaster capitalism. He discovers how companies cash in on or­ganized misery in a hidden world of privatized detention centers, militarized private security, aid profiteering, and destructive mining.

  • University of Illinois Press

    A century ago, governments buoyed by Progressive Era–beliefs began to assume greater responsibility for protecting and rescuing citizens. Yet the aftermath of two disasters in the United States–Canada borderlands--the Salem Fire of 1914 and the Halifax Explosion of 1917--saw working class survivors instead turn to friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family members for succor and aid.

  • Intertect Press

    This book is about disaster response and the way in which relief agencies and other organizations provide aid and assistance in the developing countries. The book focuses on international disaster assistance, the aid provided by the industrialized nations through myriad international organizations, both governmental and private, which the public calls the international relief system.

  • Pluto Books

    Many communities in the United States have been abandoned by the state. What happens when natural disasters add to their misery? This book looks at the broken relationship between the federal government and civil society in times of crises. Mutual aid has gained renewed importance in providing relief when hurricanes, floods and pandemics hit, as cuts to state spending put significant strain on communities struggling to survive. Harking back to the self-organised welfare programmes of the Black Panther Party, radical social movements from Occupy to Black Lives Matter are building autonomous aid networks within and against the state. However, as the federal responsibility for relief is lifted, mutual aid faces a profound dilemma: do ordinary people become complicit in their own exploitation?

  • University of Texas Press

    This moving ethnographic account of Hurricane Katrina survivors rebuilding their lives away from the Gulf Coast inaugurates The Katrina Bookshelf, a new series of books that will probe the long-term consequences of America’s worst natural disaster.

  • PM Press

    Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind is a collection of concrete tips, suggestions, and narratives on ways that non-parents can support parents, children, and caregivers in their communities, social movements, and collective processes. Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind focuses on issues affecting children and caregivers within the larger framework of social justice, mutual aid, and collective liberation.

  • 2021 Earthbound Farmer’s Almanac
    paperback//110 pages This is a Farmer's Almanac for the end of the world. Growing food used to be a lot more straightforward, when you'd...
  • 2022 Earthbound Farmer's Almanac
    All proceeds from almanac sales go towards the Earthbound Farmers Almanac project. In addition to being exclusively available online here at...
  • 2023 Earthbound Farmers’ Almanac
    All proceeds from almanac sales go towards the Earthbound Farmers Almanac project. In addition to being exclusively available online here at...
  • Rowman & Littlefield

    The edited collection, Eco Culture: Disaster, Narrative, Discourse, opens a conversation about the mediated relationship between culture and ecology. The dynamic between these two great forces comes into stark relief when a disaster—in its myriad forms and narratives—reveals the fragility of our ecological and cultural landscapes.

  • Bloomsbury

    Elizabeth Kolbert's environmental classic Field Notes from a Catastrophe first developed out of a groundbreaking, National Magazine Award-winning three-part series in The New Yorker. She expanded it into a still-concise yet richly researched and damning book about climate change: a primer on the greatest challenge facing the world today.

  • W.W. Norton

    There is no precedent in postwar American history for the destruction of the town of Paradise, California. On November 8, 2018, the community of 27,000 people was swallowed by the ferocious Camp Fire, which razed virtually every home and killed at least 85 people.

  • Floodlines
    A People's History of community organizing in New Orleans in the years before and after Katrina.
  • Chelsea Green Publishing

    In these times of deep division and deeper despair, if there is a consensus about anything in the world, it is that the future is going to be awful. There is an epidemic of loneliness, an epidemic of anxiety, a mental health crisis of vast proportions, especially among young people. There’s a rise in extremist movements and governments. Catastrophic climate change. Biodiversity loss. Food insecurity. The fracturing of ecosystems and communities beyond, it seems, repair. The future—to say nothing of the present—looks grim.

  • Frontlines of Repair
    Political cartoonists and artists address social, political, and environmental damage, charting a path toward healing and repair.
  • Governing Affect
    Roberto E. Barrios presents an ethnographic study of the aftermaths of four natural disasters: southern Honduras after Hurricane Mitch; New Orleans followin...
  • Springer

    Takes a wider perspective on the Grenfell Tower disaster, explaining how the interests of governments and capital create the forms of preparedness we see in our divided cities
    Combines Marxist social theory, Critical Race Theory and Klein’s concept of ‘disaster capitalism’ with the author's innovative theories of ‘preparedness’. Examines the Grenfell disaster not as exceptional but as the result of ‘tacit intentionality’ in the state’s relationship with the poor, with elite interests and with public services

  • Healing Justice Lineages - North Atlantic Books
    A profound offering and call to action—collective stories, testimonials, and incantations for renewing political and spiritual liberation grounded in
  • Imperiled Life
    Javier Sethness-Castro presents the grim news from contemporary climatologists while providing a reconstructive vision inspired by anarchist intellectual traditions and promoting critical thought as ...
  • Inhabit: Instructions for Autonomy
    We’re building a platform for revolutionary autonomy. Amid climate change and economic ruin, we’re connecting a network of people who are ready to live and fight, aggregate skills, build ...
  • Interpretations of Calamity: From the Viewpoint of Human Ecology
    Originally published in 1983, Interpretations of Calamity provides a provocative critique of the ‘dominant view’ of research into natural hazards. Throughout the world, there are now many people ...
  • Rutgers University Press

    In the Shadow of Tungurahua relates the stories of the people of Penipe, Ecuador living in and between several villages around the volcano Tungurahua and two resettlement communities built for people displaced by government operations following volcanic eruptions in 1999 and 2006.

  • Let This Radicalize You
    Haymarket Books: books for changing the world.
  • Living at the Edges of Capitalism
    Since the earliest development of states, groups of people escaped or were exiled. As capitalism developed, people tried to escape capitalist constraints connected with state control. This powerful ...
  • Mi María: Surviving the Storm | Voices from Puerto Rico
    Mi María: Surviving the Storm shares first-person stories of government neglect and community responses from Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane María.
  • The Anarchist Library

    Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution is a 1902 essay collection by Russian naturalist and anarchist philosopher Peter Kropotkin. The essays, initially published in the English periodical The Nineteenth Century between 1890 and 1896, explore the role of mutually-beneficial cooperation and reciprocity (or "mutual aid") in the animal kingdom and human societies both past and present.

  • PM Press

    One hundred years after his death, Peter Kropotkin is still one of the most inspirational figures of the anarchist movement. It is often forgotten that Kropotkin was also a world-renowned geographer whose seminal critique of the hypothesis of competition promoted by Social Darwinism helped revolutionize modern evolutionary theory. An admirer of Darwin, he used his observations of life in Siberia as the basis for his 1902 collection of essays Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution. Kropotkin demonstrated that mutually beneficial cooperation and reciprocity—in both individuals and as a species—plays a far more important role in the animal kingdom and human societies than does individualized competitive struggle. His message is clear: solidarity is strength!

    Every page of this new edition of Mutual Aid has been beautifully illustrated by one of anarchism’s most celebrated current artists, N.O. Bonzo. The reader will also enjoy original artwork by GATS and insightful commentary by David Graeber, Ruth Kinna, Andrej Grubacic, and Allan Antliff.

  • Mutual Aid by Dean Spade: 9781839762123 | PenguinRandomHouse.com: Books
    Mutual aid is the radical act of caring for each other while working to change the world.   Around the globe, people are faced with a spiralling succession of crises, from the Covid-19 pandemic ...
  • Cornell University Press

    The ongoing decline in union membership is generally attributed to an increasingly hostile economic, legal, and managerial environment. Samuel B. Bacharach, Peter A. Bamberger, and William J. Sonnenstuhl argue that the decline may have more to do with a crisis of union legitimacy and member commitment. They further suggest that both problems could be addressed if the unions return to their nineteenth-century, mutual aid-based roots. The authors contend that the labor movement is characterized by two models of union-member relations: the mutual aid logic and the servicing logic. The first predominated in the early days and encouraged a sense of community among members who worked to support one another. In the twentieth century, it was largely replaced by the servicing model, which asks little of members, who remain loyal only if their leaders deliver increasing wages and benefits. Regaining legitimacy and strengthening member commitment can only happen, the authors claim, if mutual aid logic is allowed to return.

  • Mutual Aid Self/Social Therapy
    The Jane Addams Collective formed as a response to the needs of radical activists for community mental health support. We wanted to rely on each other for this instead of traditional therapy or ...
  • Polity Books

    In the merciless arena of life, we are all subject to the law of the jungle, to ruthless competition and the survival of the fittest – such is the myth that has given rise to a society that has become toxic for our planet and for our and future generations.But today the lines are shifting. A growing number of new movements and thinkers are challenging this skewed view of the world and reviving words such as ‘altruism’, ‘cooperation’, ‘kindness’ and ‘solidarity’. A close look at the wide spectrum of living beings reveals that, at all times and in all places, animals, plants, microorganisms and human beings have practised different forms of mutual aid. And those which survive difficult conditions best are not necessarily the strongest, but those which help each other the most.

  • The Jane Addams Collective

    Where capital and state power push for a neoliberal, isolating notion of self-care, we argue for collective, emotional resiliency. We can fight against our trauma at the same time as we fight against oppression.This slim volume begins the conversation of how.

    This is a resource for guiding best practices around responding to trauma in the short- and long-term. We conceptualize these practices as tools for building emotional resiliency for both individuals and communities.

  • Natural Catastrophe
    Radically revises our conception of climate change as a political problem, not a natural phenomenon
  • No More Heroes
    Award-winning journalist Jordan Flaherty brings us inside the dark and politically twisted mind of the savior. Insightful and unsparing, No More Heroes is an indispensible tool for social justice ...
  • PM Press

    From the cooks who have quietly fed rebels and revolutionaries to the collective kitchens set up after hurricanes and floods, food has long played a crucial role in resistance, protest, and mutual aid. Until very recently, food-based work—steadfast and not particularly flashy—slipped under the radar or was centered on celebrity chefs and well-funded nonprofits. Adding to a growing constellation of conversations that push against this narrative, Nourishing Resistance centers the role of everyday people in acts of culinary solidarity.

  • For more than a decade, Naomi Klein has documented the movement of the climate crisis from future threat to a burning emergency. She has been among the first to make the case for what is now called the Green New Deal – a vision for transforming our economies to battle climate breakdown and rampant inequality at the same time. In our era of rising seas and rising hate,

  • Pandemic Solidarity
    In times of crisis, when institutions of power are laid bare, people turn to one another. Pandemic Solidarity collects firsthand experiences from around the ...
  • Rebel Hearts Publishing

    Rooted in a participatory action research framework, this is an in depth exploration of two mutual aid disaster relief organizations: Common Ground and Occupy Sandy, and what makes their approach distinctive and effective. Participatory horizons can mean two diametrically opposed realities that coexist at the same time. On the one hand, horizons means the limits of perception or experience. In this way, it is representative of the limit of the naive view that involvement alone is enough. How far can participation without sharing power take us? If the past is any indication, it will only take us to the familiar dead ends we have known so well. On the other hand, as Common Ground and Occupy Sandy exemplify, if we have the courage to truly value the voices and lives of disaster survivors, as equals, which means respecting their needs as they define them for themselves, there is the sun of a new day waiting to rise where the ocean meets the sky. This radical new approach to disaster relief and to social movement organizing, comes just in time for the storm clouds that even now are threatening in the distance.

  • PM Press

    Consisting of ten collaborative picture-essays that weave Cindy Milstein’s poetic words within Erik Ruin’s intricate yet bold paper-cut and scratch-board images, Paths toward Utopia suggests some of the here-and-now practices that prefigure, however imperfectly, the self-organization that would be commonplace in an egalitarian society. The book mines what we do in our daily lives for the already-existent gems of a freer future—premised on anarchistic ethics like cooperation and direct democracy. Paths toward Utopia is not a rosy-eyed stroll, though. The book retains the tensions in present-day attempts to “model” horizontal institutions and relationships of mutual aid under increasingly vertical, exploitative, and alienated conditions.

  • Portrait Story Project

    You hold in your hands an anthology of survival, renewal and struggle, a massive literary body collectively narrated by those impacted by the landfall and aftermaths of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, by those who took action on behalf of survivors and returning evacuees and by those who came to the disaster-stricken land in search of livelihood.

  • Practicing Cooperation
    A powerful new understanding of cooperation as an antidote to alienation and inequality
  • Natural disasters have long been seen as naturally generated events, but as scientific, technological, and social knowledge of disasters has become more sophisticated, the part that people and systems play in disaster events has become more apparent. Production of Disaster and Recovery in Post-Earthquake Haiti demonstrates how social processes impact disasters as they unfold, through the distribution of power and resources, the use of discourses and images of disaster, and the economic and social systems and relations which underlie affected communities.

  • Puerto Rico en mi corazn
    Puerto Rico en mi corazón Poetry. Latinx Studies. LGBTQIA Studies. In the months following Hurricane Maria's passage over Puerto Rico, Puerto Rican poets, translators, book artists, & ...
  • Palgrave

    Presenting new insights into reciprocity, this book combines Marcel Mauss’s well-known gift theory with Barrington Moore’s idea of mutual obligations linking rulers and the ruled. Teasing out the interrelatedness of these approaches, Reciprocity in Human Societies suggests that evolutionary psychology reveals a human tendency for reciprocity and collaboration.

    112 x 175mm, 143 pages, risograph printing, soft cover, perfect bound, 2022 This zine-book is an artifact of mutual aid organizing by Crown Heights Mutual Aid (CHMA) and Mutual Aid Medford/Somerville ...
  • Linda Graham

    Resilience is the learned capacity to cope with any level of adversity, from a series of small annoyances to the struggles and sorrows that break our hearts to the utter disasters that change our lives forever. Resilience is essential for surviving and thriving in a world full of troubles and tragedies, and it is completely trainable and recoverable - when we know how. More than 130 evidenced-based tools to help you cope with anything, anything at all. A step-by-step process to strengthen the foundations of resilience.

  • Saving Our Own Lives
    A comprehensive collection of intergenerational voices on harm reduction, mutual aid, and building community to save lives.
  • Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons - Shareable
    "Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons" showcases over a hundred sharing-related case studies and model policies from more than 80 cities.
  • Routledge

    The ‘new sharing economy’ is a growing phenomenon across the Global North. It claims to transform relationships of production and consumption in a way that can improve our lives, reduce environmental impacts, and reduce the cost of living. Amidst various economic, environmental, and other crises, this message has strong resonance. Yet, it is not without controversy, and there have been heated debates over negative dimensions for workers and consumers alike. This book stretches far beyond the sharing economy as it is popularly defined, and explores the complex intersections of ‘sharing’ and ‘the economy’, and how a better understanding of these relationships might help us address the multiple crises that confront contemporary societies.

  • Showdown in Desire
    The Black Panthers Take a Stand in New Orleans Orissa Arend April 2009 Available In: Paper: $19.95 (978-1-55728-933-9) Cloth: $29.95 (978-1-55728-896-7)  
  • Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul: How to Change the World in Quiet Ways
    We often assume social justice work is raised voices and raised fists. But for those who don't feel comfortable battling in the trenches, Dorcas Cheng-Tozun expands the possibilities of positive ...
  • Social Movements and Politics in a Global Pandemic
    Social Movements and Politics in a Global Pandemic - Crisis, Solidarity and Change during COVID-19; EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.Bringing together leading authors in ...
  • Harper Collins

    In this comprehensive handbook, you'll learn essential knowledge like water sourcing and purification, long-term food storage, stocking a disaster pantry, creating a safe home, assembling evacuation bags, and ensuring your family doesn't drive each other crazy in the face of chaos. You'll also unlock cool survival hacks to save the day when the lights are out, the gas is off, the supermarket is closed, and everyone around you is hunkered down like a mountain hermit.

  • The Auntie Sewing Squad Guide to Mask Making, Radical Care, and Racial Justice
    In March 2020, when the US government failed to provide personal protective gear during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Auntie Sewing Squad emerged. Founded by performance artist Kristina Wong, the ...
  • The Battle For Paradise
    Haymarket Books: books for changing the world.
  • The Black Panther Party
    The Black Panther Party represents Black Panther Party members' coordinated responses over the last four decades to the failure of city, state, and federal b...
  • Simon and Schuster

    In the spirit of The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning and The Joy of Less, experience the benefits of buying less and sharing more with this accessible 7-step guide to decluttering, saving money, and creating community from the creators of the Buy Nothing Project. In their island community, friends Liesl Clark and Rebecca Rockefeller discovered that the beaches of Puget Sound were spoiled by a daily influx of plastic items and trash washing on shore. From pens and toothbrushes to toys and straws, they wondered, where did it all come from? Of course, it comes from us—our homes, our backyards, our cars, and our workplaces. And so, a rallying cry against excess stuff was born.

  • Verso Books

    We are in the midst of a global crisis of care. How do we get out of it? The Care Manifesto puts care at the heart of the debates of our current crisis: from intimate care--childcare, healthcare, elder care--to care for the natural world. We live in a world where carelessness reigns, but it does not have to be this way.

  • AK Press

    In The Conquest of Bread, Kropotkin points out what he considers to be the defects of the economic systems of feudalism and capitalism and why he believes they thrive on and maintain poverty and scarcity. He goes on to propose a more decentralized economic system based on mutual aid and voluntary cooperation, asserting that the tendencies for this kind of organization already exist, both in evolution and in human society.

  • Verso Books

    Free market, competitive capitalism is dead. The separation between politics and economics can no longer be sustained. In The Corona Crash, leading economics commentator Grace Blakeley theorises about the epoch-making changes that the coronavirus brings in its wake.

  • The Disaster Profiteers
    Natural disasters don't matter for the reasons we think they do. They generally don't kill a huge number of people. Most years more people kill themselves th...
  • The Fight for Home
    After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans became ground zero for the reinvention of the American city, with urban planners, movie stars, anarchists, and politicians all advancing their ...
  • The Future Is Beautiful - A Collection by Think Act Vote
    How will you Create Beauty in the World? Read this book. The Future Is Beautiful - A Collection by Think Act Vote
  • Pluto Books

    In an era when capitalism leaves so many to suffer and to die, with neoliberal 'self-care' offering little more than a bandaid, how can we take health and care back into our hands? In The Hologram, Cassie Thornton puts forward a bold vision for revolutionary care: a viral, peer-to-peer feminist health network.

  • PM Press

    The Impossible Community confronts a critical moment when social and ecological catastrophes loom, the Left seems unable to articulate a response, and the Right controls public debates. This book offers a fresh and highly readable reformulation of anarchist social and political theory to develop a communitarian anarchist solution.

  • The Institutionalisation of Disaster Risk Reduction | South Africa and
    The past three decades have seen a global shift in disaster management from an event driven response to a ‘could-be’ risk management approach. Disaster risk
  • The Nation on No Map
    The Nation on No Map examines state power, abolition, and ideological tensions within the struggle for Black liberation while centering the politics of Black autonomy and self-determination. A call ...
  • The Neoliberal Deluge
    A critical collection on the politics of disaster and reconstruction in New Orleans
  • The Mushroom at the End of the World
    What a rare mushroom can teach us about sustaining life on a fragile planet
  • The Precipice
    A collection of interviews with the world’s leading public intellectual from the time of the rise of Donald Trump to power to the end of his presidency.
  • Oxford University Press

    In 1871, the city of Chicago was almost entirely destroyed by what became known as The Great Fire. Thirty-five years later, San Francisco lay in smoldering ruins after the catastrophic earthquake of 1906. Or consider the case of the Jerusalem, the greatest site of physical destruction and renewal in history, which, over three millennia, has suffered wars, earthquakes, fires, twenty sieges, eighteen reconstructions, and at least eleven transitions from one religious faith to another.

  • The Response book: Building Collective Resilience in the Wake of Disaster
    Free ebook exploring the existential crisis of climate change and the emerging 'collective resilience' movement rising up to meet the challenge.
  • PM Press

    The Sea is Rising and So Are We: A Climate Justice Handbook is an invitation to get involved in the movement to build a just and sustainable world in the face of the most urgent challenge our species has ever faced. By explaining the entrenched forces that are preventing rapid action, it helps you understand the nature of the political reality we are facing and arms you with the tools you need to overcome them.

  • In The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein explodes the myth that the global free market triumphed democratically. Exposing the thinking, the money trail and the puppet strings behind the world-changing crises and wars of the last four decades, The Shock Doctrine is the gripping story of how America’s “free market” policies have come to dominate the world-- through the exploitation of disaster-shocked people and countries.

  • St. Martin's Press

    A biologist by training, Raihani looks at where and how collaborative behavior emerges throughout the animal kingdom, and what problems it solves. She reveals that the species that exhibit cooperative behaviour most similar to our own tend not to be other apes; they are birds, insects, and fish, occupying far more distant branches of the evolutionary tree. By understanding the problems they face, and how they cooperate to solve them, we can glimpse how human cooperation first evolved. And we can also understand what it is about the way we cooperate that makes us so distinctive–and so successful.

  • The Solutions are Already Here
    Are alternative energies and Green New Deals enough to deliver environmental justice? Peter Gelderloos argues that international governmental responses to th...
  • The Women of Katrina
    A powerful blend of firsthand accounts and original research
  • The Young Lords
    The Young Lords, who originated as a Chicago street gang fighting gentrification and unfair evictions in Puerto Rican neighborhoods, burgeoned into a nationa...
  • This Changes Everything
    A book, film and engagement project about why the climate crisis is the best opportunity we've ever had to build a better world.
  • Twelve Hachette Book Group

    Combining history, psychology, and anthropology, TRIBE explores what we can learn from tribal societies about loyalty, belonging, and the eternal human quest for meaning. It explains the irony that-for many veterans as well as civilians-war feels better than peace, adversity can turn out to be a blessing, and disasters are sometimes remembered more fondly than weddings or tropical vacations.

  • Unchaining Solidarity: On Mutual Aid and Anarchism with Catherine Malabou
    The concept of mutual aid is central to the anarchist tradition, but also a source of controversy. This book’s intervention is to consider solidarity and mutual aid at the intersection of ...
  • Undoing Border Imperialism
    Undoing Border Imperialism combines academic discourse, lived experiences of displacement, and movement-based practices into an exciting new book. By reframing immigrant rights movements within a ...
    Voices from Puerto Rico: Post-Hurricane Maria brings together writings from twenty-two islanders -activists, artists, and community organizers- who describe the destruction and the conditions that ...
  • War of the Pews
    St. Augustine Catholic Church has stood in the Trem? section of New Orleans for over 170 years. Its international fame and role as a musical and cultural center as well as a spiritual focus has made ...
  • Penguin Random House

    As floodwaters drained in the weeks following Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans residents came to a difficult realization. Their city was about to undertake the largest disaster recovery in American history, yet they faced a profound leadership vacuum: members of every tier of government, from the municipal to the federal level, had fallen down on the job. We Shall Not Be Moved tells the absorbing story of the community leaders who stepped into this void to rebuild the city they loved.

  • What Lies Beneath
    In August 2005, thousands of New Orleans residents—overwhelmingly poor, largely people of color, the majority black—were left to face one of the worst “natural” disasters in US history on ...
  • When the Sky Fell: Hurricane Maria and the United States in Puerto Rico (Hardcover) | McNally ...
    A searing investigation of the factors that devastated Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria, from acclaimed investigative reporter Michael Deibert. When Hurricane Maria roared across Puerto ...
  • Joe Lightfoot

    Somewhere along the way, we lost touch with each other. And unless we rediscover the communal bonds that define us as human beings, then we face the very real prospect of an increasingly dystopian future.In A Collective Blooming, Joe Lightfoot deconstructs the dominant stories of the day and puts forward a bold new narrative of community focused transformation. He introduces the Conscious Change Collective, a whole new kind of mutual aid community and invites you to join the compassionate wave of change that is gaining momentum all around the world.