Wellness/Community Care

  • Rosehip Medic Collective

    As communities in Portland and elsewhere deal with the ongoing realities of police violence, discussions and projects have emerged to work towards accountable, nonoppressive, and community-driven alternatives to police forces.

  • Black Cross Health Care Collective

    Black Cross Health Collective is an affinity group of health care workers who live in Portland, Oregon. We formed after the WTO protests because we saw a need for medical care that is specific to the radical community.

  • Contributors to Libcom.org and Edmonton Small Press Association

    This piece of writing comes out of a series of discussions which occurred on the forums of libcom.org. It was repeatedly raised that depression, mental illness, and emotional stress are very common amongst libertarian political activists. Furthermore, suffering from mental illness as someone who is politically active often comes with its own set of complications.

  • Rosehip Medics Collective

    Because the professional capitalist healthcare system is oriented towards maximization of profit, rather than providing viable care for the everyone’s needs, many of us lack access to care anywhere but the emergency room.

  • Boston Area Liberation Medic Squad

    Hypothermia = when core body temperature drops. Risk Factors for hypothermia: Cool , cold, wet, or windy weather. Improper clothing and equipment. Clothes that are tight and impair circulation.

  • Do No Harm Coalition

    Understand that police violence is a public health crisis
    Learn How to Prepare for Street Medic Work
    Learn How to Assess the Field and Act Effectively and Safely
    Become familiar with police weaponry and common injuries
    Grow the community of engaged medical professionals committed to changing the
    structures that are causing suffering

  • In preparation for combat, soldiers and officers are typically pumped up for their fight, just as football players sike themselves up before a game. during the WTO protests in Seattle, activists later heard that FBI agents were telling police that four officers would die during the protests

  • Critical incident stress can be caused by events at protests and mass mobilizations such as: use of terror tactics (sometimes indiscriminately) by police, including physical, mental and sexual assault, the experience of prolonged and intense fear, being separated from injured colleagues, sexual harassment by other protestors

  • Hakan Geijer

    Riot medicine is the practice of medicine in an adversarial environment. It exists outside of formal and State sanctioned medical services.

  • Healthcare Ready

    Rx Open provides information on the operating status of healthcare facilities in areas impacted by a disaster.

  • Indigenous Anarchist Federation

    We have seen over the past few months of the Black-led uprising against police violence that we will all be met with extreme violence at the hands of police, national guard, military contractors, fascist militia members, and alt-right lone-wolfs. What is the one thing we can all collectively do to ensure that our casualties are given a fighting chance to live after being attacked? Carry medical gear for trauma treatment and learn basic trauma first aid.

  • Power Makes Us Sick

    When resisting various forces of domination, you may be met with repression taking many forms: (police) violence (or the threat of it), surveillance, criminalization, incarceration, among other things. We must be prepared for this.

  • The Paper Revolution Collective

    Street medics, or action medics, are volunteers with varying degrees of medical training who attend protests and demonstrations to provide medical care such as first aid.

  • Chicago Action Medical

    National first aid systems in most of the world came out of the medical corps of popular and liberation movements of the 1950s and 1960s. In the United States, street medics were operating and training in Mississippi and New York City at least four years before the first statewide EMS program was established in Maryland.

  • New York City Action Medical

    This refresher will not cover the entirety of a 20-hour street medic training. Our focus will be responding when someone near you has a life-threatening injury, medical emergency, or an injury likely to cause permanent disability. We are offering this training this only to only previously trained street medics or bridge-trained medics.


    The tradition of medical support for those engaged in acts of political protest is a rich one. Be aware that you are receiving knowledge hard-won in the civil-rights struggles of Dr. King, in the antiwar movement that followed, and throughout the line of environmental and
    anti-globalization actions and protests from the 1970s into the present day.

  • New York City Action Medic

    Reading this document is not sufficient to qualify you as a street medic. We ask that only those who have attended the full training that accompanies this document present themselves as street medics.

Trauma and Burnout

  • Activist Trauma

    One of the amazing things about activists is that we often deliberately expose ourselves to brutality when we believe it necessary.

  • The Climate Reality Project, et. al.

    The reality of climate change is actually very frightening. We are already in times of dangerous climate change, with worse forecast if we continue with business as usual, pouring excess greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

  • Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience

    This toolkit contains resources to help and support adults and children before, during, and after a disaster or traumatic event. It will help you understand some of the impacts of disaster and how you can help lessen these impacts.

  • An overview of emotional and psychological first aid including basic objectives of psychological first aid, delivering psychological first aid, some behaviors to avoid, characteristics of empathetic listeners, and more.

  • Starhawk

    In an action, in any potentially tense of dangerous situation, we need to be able to stay calm, to feel our fear without letting it overrun us or turn into panic. Grounding is a technique that can help us stay both alert and relaxed when all hell is breaking loose around us.

  • Dean Spade

    This is a difficult time, and most of us are under enormous pressure. We might be experiencing isolation, illness, income loss, fear for loved ones, loss of loved ones, anxiety, and many other painful circumstances.

  • The Jane Addams Collective

    MAST is an open-source and evolving set of cognitive techniques aimed at promoting better emotional health for individuals in a non-hierarchical and non-pathological model.

  • The Jane Adams Collective

    One cannot expect a rebellion, any rebellion, against any authority, to come without hardship relative to one’s own already desperate condition. Many have died and sacrificed for the struggles for liberation we hold in our hearts, and those who bear witness also bear scars.

  • The Headington Institue

    What can individuals do about burnout? Let’s start with primary prevention. This means the things that might help everyone prevent burnout. Here we focus on resilience-enhancing behaviors.

  • National Child Traumatic Stress Network

    The field of school safety and emergency management has evolved significantly over the past decade. Tragically, acts of violence, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks have taught us many lessons. We also know that other types of emergencies can impact schools, including medical emergencies, transportation accidents, sports injuries, peer victimization, public health emergencies, and the sudden death of a member of the school community.

  • World Health Organization, et. al.

    When terrible things happen in our communities, countries and the world, we want to reach out a helping hand to those who are affected. This guide covers psychological first aid which involves humane, supportive and practical help to fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events.

  • Cristina Lugo w/ Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

    This resource binder was created for CAMBU (Las Marias, PR) in anticipation of presenting a workshop there that I put together (included in this binder). I felt that it would be important to help equip this CAM with some basic tools and resources that can help guide volunteers, teachers and parents in their work with youth.

  • Starhawk

    These are things people need to know about trauma to heal quicker or prepare mentally or at least be aware that the process is known and trauma can be healed.

  • The Headington Institute

    People decide to become humanitarian workers for many different reasons. Some come to this work because of a personal commitment to social change – perhaps to follow a spiritual path or to fulfill a calling.

  • The Headington Institute

    Humanitarian workers come in many shapes and sizes. They work in on-site recovery and relief missions, education, health training, agricultural assistance, community mobilization, economic development, water and sanitation, conflict resolution, and advocacy.

Medic Trainings